"The power of thought is invisible like the seed from which a huge tree grows; but it is the source of the visible changes in the life of man. (Leo Tolstoy)
At Chalet Marlene, the well-being of the people is the main focus. That is why I would like to introduce myself to you here, from person to person, as the eponym of the Chalet. In this way you can get to know me a little before your stay and thus also feel the spirit that works in our house.
Together with my husband Pepi I live in St. Vigil – Enneberg and we are parents of three grown-up sons. I have been working in adult education for over 20 years. I lead courses for health gymnastics with a special focus on spinal training in combination with exercises of the Dorn Method.
In the last 10 years many trainings and seminars have been added. Today I work as a Holistic Counselor and ELE-Coach and accompany people in their holistic development on the level of body, mind, soul and consciousness. I support them in uncovering the answers to their questions that are already present in each of us, in order to create new power images for a fulfilled and self-determined life in harmony and love.
My vocation
For many years I was looking for ways out and solutions to the various challenges that life presented me with. On this path I gradually encountered methods and techniques that led me step by step to a fulfilled life in self-responsibility and harmony. When I became aware that my situation had changed fundamentally, I felt a deep gratitude and at the same time a clear call to pass on all the new and holistic knowledge and my direct experiences to other people.
My central training paths:
– Holistic Counselor and ELE Coach
I have been able to combine my numerous trainings of the past years at the ELE Institute of Dr. Eleonora Brugger and Dr. Paul Kircher in the profession of ELE Coach and Holistic Counselor. I am deeply grateful to these two outstanding teachers.
– Apprenticeship according to Grigori Grabovoi®
In 2016, I received the license to pass on the teaching of Grigori Grabovoi®, (direct license from Grigori Grabovoi and from Carola Sarrasin of the Thailand Project) and may pass on this holistic and for the good of ALL knowledge.
I am happy to be there for you – as your hostess in Chalet Marlene, as course and seminar leader and as Holistic Counselor personally committed to you.